We pride ourselves on our innovation and design

This week we have decided to throw a spotlight on one of our team members - Bee, and to also showcase a few of our more unique bespoke glass products! 

At Angels' Share Glass we have the luxury of being able to make very intricate, made to order, requests (big or small), and Bee is one of our specialist glass blowers that has the know how and talent to produce these.

Bee has been with ASG since May 2015 with her already extensive knowledge and her glass degree Bee has excelled in lampworking under the training of Tom Young MBE Master glassblower.


Bee says when it comes to new product design and developing bespoke items, the problem solving is what she loves best. She recently designed some little bees for Lindores Abbey Distillery and she used the glass to give each one a little bit of character.

Glass Bee

From concept to sample often means hours of trial and error and what people don’t see when they request a sample is all the misfits that are done to get to that first prototype.

There is also a continued amount of fine tuning and development even once a product goes to market for the gin pigs for examples, ears and eyes have all been tweaked and will probably continue to evolve as people request their preferences to the design.

A few other recent glass projects have been the glass hammer which was commissioned by The Coopers Federation as a commemorative presentation to long service. Designed by Tom Young MBE.

Glass Hammer

And, wedding favours for a customer who wanted to hang these vases with flowers on a tree for guests.

Glass Wedding Favours

If you have an event or function coming up that you think could benefit from glass gifts or products get in touch.
